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Principal's Welcome,
Welcome to the Northumberland Montessori School website. My name is Claudia Langlois; I am the Principal of the school which opened its doors in 1996. Over the years, my experience with Montessori education and children has lead to a solid belief of the Montessori pedagogy which began in 1907 when Maria Montessori opened the first Montessori school in Rome.
At Northumberland Montessori School our goal is to provide authentic Montessori education to students of all ages. Every child is different, they learn at different paces, and different styles, and this is respected. The students are encouraged to be themselves, yet are required to demonstrate respect, grace, courtesy and care to all those around them. Independence and self direction for all students is worked towards in all classrooms. Students are confident, happy and self assured, showing excitement in learning, persevering with challenges and willingly repeat lessons with greater ease. It is a place where students grow into who they will become, secure in an environment in which exploration and mistakes can be made for further success. It is a place in which the students come to class eager to see their peers and their teachers, plus they are keen to learn their lessons as they are intrinsically motivated. They work, create and motivate one another to be the best they can be, encouraged by teachers who are dedicated to the well being and educational success of all the students. With the teachers' guidance, students become free and independent but are productive with purpose. They grow in self discipline and learn to make wise choices based upon morals and ethics. Initially they are guided along but in the end they make their own choices in academics, social interaction and opportunities of life.
It is a privilege to witness the growth of a child from 2.5 years old and on. Their motivation, success, creativity and reasoning are moments to be treasured for the adult, but are further encouraged for the student. The children are proof that the philosophy of Montessori education works. It is not a method of education that is black and white such as with textbooks and a pencil, but a process of development and understanding using scientifically created hands on materials focusing on cognitive, academic, physical and social progress. Parents need to believe that their child  can reach their full potential and beyond. There needs to be a belief in the child's development, a faith in the child themselves and a belief and understanding of Montessori pedagogy. Such is the culture of the school.
When you have questions, please do not hesitate to call me or email me. I'd love to give you a tour!




Claudia Langlois

Head of School



"To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely."  

~  Maria Montessori ~

Our Mission

Northumberland Montessori School's mission is to provide a stimulating and interactive educational environment using Montessori pedagogy. Students are academically challenged and guided to grow into responsible and independent individuals who display compassion, respect and awareness for themselves, the community and the world they live in.


Northumberland Montessori School’s primary objective is to ensure students reach their full academic potential within a safe, nurturing, and enjoyable environment that supports individuality. Academic success promotes happy self confident individuals who strive to succeed and develop a passion for life long learning and growth.

What I Love About Montessori!



As a parent there are many aspects of a Montessori education that I love. Here are a few:.


The children learn to become self directed and acquire positive work habits. They are encouraged to be independent. The children rely on the teacher for their appropriate lessons based upon either age or academic level, however, they are free to choose their own challenging work which reinforces concepts of all subject matters. This may sound like there is no structure and children are allowed to do as they please. This is not the case.


• A fundamental difference in the Montessori philosophy is that children want to learn, vs. the traditional idea that children need to be taught or pushed and require constant incentives and rewards.


• The emphasis is on helping children learn how to think, vs. teaching children what to think. Creative and critical thinking are taught and encouraged from the beginning. Montessori teachers welcome the natural curiosity that is so often lost in a conventional school setting.


• There are no grades and no tests. Although this scares many parents, my experience has been that the lack of testing does some wonderful things - it encourages curiosity, wonder and exploration.  It eliminates a tremendous amount of peer pressure and children are much less afraid of making a mistake; they learn to see mistakes as part of the learning process. Most importantly, they discover the joy of learning for it’s own sake vs. “studying for the test”.  The result produces students with a life-long love of learning that extends far beyond the classroom.


• Freedom with limits vs. limits with some freedom.  Montessori students tend to exhibit tremendous personal independence while at the same time they learn the value of cooperation and working together. They have a much greater depth of understanding in their subjects because they are allowed the freedom to fully explore their areas of interest and become truly engaged in the process.


• There is an emphasis on providing a well-rounded education and in addition to the traditional subjects, Montessori schools offer excellent art, music, language and physical education programs.  Additionally, Northumberland Montessori provides a fantastic nature education component which is woven into the daily activities at school – the children build forts, take nature hikes, explore the extensive property around the school, have animals present in the classroom and/or have special guests bring in animals.  The older students have the opportunity of an annual camping trip.


• The Montessori methods encourage social tolerance, kindness and understanding of differences amongst peers.




Written By

Gillian Smith-Clark

An artist, photographer, freelance writer and the mother of two young Montessorians.

She has lived and worked in Regina, SK.,

Staffordshire area of the UK , Chattanooga TN, Estonia, EU, Chicago, IL,

Chestertown, MD and now lives/works in the Cobourg area with her family.




I go to NMS!

Name: Rowan

Grade: 3. This is my 6th year at NMS.

Favourite subject: Math

Favourite colour: Blue

3 Words to describe myself: Bright, happy & joyful!

Why do you like NMS?: I like NMS because I have good

friends here and a great teacher.

What would you like to be when you grow up? A singer.

Favourite thing to do: Play outside.

Favourite sport: Basketball.

Favourite Montessori material to work with?: Geography Cards

About our Head of School...


Claudia Langlois' training as a Montessori educator started at Toronto Montessori School over 20 years ago. At TMS Claudia became qualified  to teach children ages 2.5 to 12 years of age, obtaining both Casa and Elementary certification. After many years she decided to obtain certification for adolescent students and chose to obtain a secondary degree from CMSTEP, Cincinnati Montessori Secondary Teacher Education Program. In 2013 Claudia obtained a Masters in Education, fully concentrated in Montessori Education from Xavier University, Cincinnati Ohio. Claudia has been involved with CAMT, Canadian Association of Montessori Teachers, for 8 years and is now the president of the organization. Northumberland Montessori School is a fully accredited member of  the CCMA, Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators.

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