NMS Elementary students enter writing competition!
Posted December 4, 2014.
Yesterday was the culmination of a lot of hard work on the part of our elementary students as their stories were submitted to the "Share Your Stories" writing competition at the Cobourg Library. Good luck and congratulations to all of them no matter what the outcome. The stories are all original, extremely imaginative and a pleasure to read! Well done!
Planetarium day at NMS!
Posted December 4, 2014.
NMS was visited by Mr. Peter McMahon and his mobile planetarium for a day! We spent the day in the dome under the stars learning about our skies. Students also got to look at the sun through a telescope and launch a rocket!
A new job for Ms. Langlois!
Posted December 4, 2014.
In early November, our Directress, Claudia Langlois was voted in and announced as the new President of The Canadian Association of Montessori Teachers (CAMT). Congratulations to Ms. Langlois! CAMT is in good hands!

NMS goes to The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair!
Posted on December 4, 2014.
Students, parents and staff boarded a bus in the early hours to head into the fair. A wonderful day was had by all. We were entertained by the super dogs, lunched in the colisseum watching the horses jump, saw all sorts of livestock and got up close and personal in the petting zoo!

First of six ski days was a huge success!
Posted on January 27, 2015.
On Wednesday Jan. 21st our Elementary students along with a few 3rd year Casas headed to Brimacombe for a wonderful day of fresh air and skiing. For some it was a new adventure and for others a great chance to improve on their skills. A big thank you to the parents who joined in and helped out! We are looking forward to getting back out there for the next 5 Wednesdays.

MS Read-A-Thon Kickoff!
Posted on January 27, 2015.
Its that time of year once again, time to get reading even more then usual! Today, in the Elementary and Casa classrooms we talked about Mulitiple Sclerosis, the read-a-thon and handed out the pledge kits. Casa children are welcome to participate as well as it is all about reading and listening to stories for a great cause. All instructions are on the pledge sheets. All monies raised towards MS research will be collected in February.
** Follow up! Our students raised $1299.20 towards this important cause. Congrats to all who contributed their time and reading! Way to go NMS!

We are spreading our social media wings!
Posted February 9, 2015.
If you are a subscriber to either Twitter or Instagram please come find us and follow along! This is all about spreading the word so please feel free to do so! Links to both apps are at the bottom of every page on this website!

James Cockburn Day
Posted February 17, 2015.
On Friday the 13th our Elementary students headed over to Victoria Hall in Cobourg to celebrate James Cockburn Day. Mr. Cockburn was honoured as the First Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons and is considered Cobourg's Father of Confederation. Check out our Facebook page if you would lilke to see more photos.

It's Montessori Week!
Posted February 24, 2015.
An opportunity to celebrate 108 years of Montessori education!
In honour of International Montessori Week, we are featuring a different Montessori video on our Facebook page and the list will grow on this page each day this week.
These videos highlight what sets us apart from traditional education systems. We hope you enjoy these glimpses into Montessori life. As always, feel free to share our website, our Facebook page or these videos with anyone you feel may be interested!
Friday: What Doctors say about Montessori. Dr. Steve Hughes: Montessori and the Future of Education.
Thursday: A Montessori Fast Draw!
Trevor Eissler: A Parent to Parent Argument for Montessori Education.

NMS Goes to SandyFlat SugarBush!
Posted March 27, 2015.
Our Casa and Elementary students, along with staff and a few parents headed up to learn about maple syrup production. As well, students enjoyed a horse drawn wagon ride and got to sample fresh maple syrup and maple candy. A great morning was had by everyone:)

NMS Science Fair is a huge success!
Posted April 29, 2015.
NMS hosted our yearly Science Fair last night! Our Elementary students along with a few Upper Casa students put on a lovely show for our friends and families. With interesting displays on everything from Crime Scene Chemistry to How a Nerf Gun Works to learning how Resalination Can Save our Nation! Congratulations to all our contributing students! A job well done! For more photos head to our Facebook page!

Tennis Lessons for NMS Elementary Students!
Posted May 19, 2015.
Every Monday (except for today!) for six weeks straight our Elementary students are getting outside and enjoying tennis lessons at The Port Hope Racquet Club. Our teacher, Young Mee, caters extremely well to the varying skill levels of our group so that at the end of the lesson everyone has learned something, moved their bodies and had a lot of fun! More photos on the NMS Facebook page if you want to see!

Ms. Lucy returns to NMS!
Posted September 16, 2015.
We are thrilled to announce the return of Ms. Gillian Lucy to NMS this year!
Ms. Lucy has been a member of the NMS family since 2000 when she began her training under Ms. Langlois. She has left and returned over the years since all for great reasons such as gaining work experience in another school, having her own two beautiful children and to pursue her diploma as a Casa Directress at Montessor Teachers College.
Ms. Lucy is very excited to be back and partnering with Ms. Moore in our Casa classroom.
All is well for our very fortunate Casa students and it is full steam ahead in that amazing room!

The Lifecycle of the Monarch Butterfly!
Posted September 23, 2015.
Thanks to Ms. Langlois and Mother Nature NMS got to host 5 monarch caterpillars and watch the second, third and fourth stages of their life cycles. It was an amazing experience for all students and staff!
To see more photos and learn more about this incredible journey please check out our Facebook page...

Elementary students visit with Chad Solomon.
Posted November 3, 2015.
Yesterday (Nov 2nd) our Elementary students travelled to the Cobourg Public Library to listen to Chad Solomon speak. Mr. Solomon is an author and illustator of graphic novels. Currently he is travelling around Canada talking about his series "Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws".
He also gave our students a wonderful lesson on the basics of writing and illustrating a graphic novel. This is very timely as our students are all entering into the "Share Your Stories" writing contest.
Find out more about Mr. Solomon and his books at:

6 Weeks of skiing for NMS is a huge success!
Posted March 8, 2016.
Most of our Elementary students and a few brave Casas have been travelling to Brimacombe to ski once a week for 6 weeks!
For some of our seasoned veterans there was still room for improvement and graduation to some harder runs. For some others it was their first time skiing ever and huge strides were made and much fun was had by all. When asked what their best memories will be from the experience, students reported the following: falling, getting better, conversations on the chair lift, lessons and last but not least... feeling independent!
Thank you to all our parents who came out and helped on the hills!
NMS visits the Ontario Science Centre!
Posted April 28, 2016.
The entire school enjoyed a wonderful day at the Science Centre! Highlights included an OmniMax film entitled Humpback Whales and a trip through the Mammoth and Mastedon exhibit. Its a wonderful place to spend a day or more if you have time!
A big thanks to the many parent volunteers who joined us and supported the school on this busy day!

NMS Bowls For Kids!
Posted May 5, 2016.
Our Elementary students and a few of our senior Casas headed out to Bowl For Kids! A wonderful way to raise money for Northumberland Big Brothers and Sisters! Our students were able to raise and donate almost $700 to this cause and the bonus was a very fun and lively morning of bowling, some for the first time! Congrats to all our students for their amazing fundraising efforts and to Northumberland Lanes and Big Brothers and Sisters for being such wonderful hosts!

Blades of Glory!
Posted June 8, 2016.
Our Upper Elementary students travelled back in time up to Hastings, Ontario this week to enjoy a day of learning about medievil times at Blades of Glory!
Among other things, some of their faves were trying on armor, holding swords, seeing a real catapult, the snakes, dressing up, the music and the torture chamber!
Tennis Time!
Posted June 8, 2016.
Once again this spring our Elementary students have been heading out once a week for several weeks to enjoy tennis lessons at The Port Hope Raquet Club. Fresh air, exercise and excellent instruction add up to a really fun learning experience for all the students. Thanks once again to Young Mee for facilitating such fun and and engaging lessons! Go NMS!

Mr. Michael Richardson visits NMS to talk to our students about his adventures in Antarctica!
Posted June 2, 2015.
Mr. Richardson, who has travelled to Antarctica over 40, times did a wonderful presentation focusing primarily on the wildlife he encounters on his journeys. We learned about all the different species of birds, seals, penguins and whales. So interesting and educational for all!
A big thanks to Mr. Richardson for taking time out for NMS!

Graduation Day a huge success at NMS!
Posted July 16, 2015.
It was a bittersweet day to say the least as we said goodbye and good luck to several longstanding NMS students. But in the spirit of moving forward it was exciting to see so much accomplishment and pride amongst all the children! Thanks to all who contributed to the wonderful pot luck celebration afterwards. And, most of all a huge congratulations to all our returning students and graduates!